I'm steppping into a land mine on this one for sure. But, I can not resign myself any longer to listen to people prattle on to me about God and adoption. I long ago stopped being served God and adoption together on a silver platter and
acquiesing to it.
I am weary of adoptive parents and others claiming, and writing poems about, God's "will" or "plan" brought adopted children to families. Really? Did God show up on the door step to deliver them, and if so did anyone get pictures of this blessed event? Or, were you notified by God via phone? Fax? Email? And, if so can ya hook me up? I sure do have a pile of questions for God regarding adoption.
Was it God that chose for me to be taken from my natural mother who wanted to keep me, and to be adopted by two mentally, emotionally, verbally, and physically abusive parents who had a biological child that was loved and adored? Was it God who then allowed me to be adopted into a system of secrets and lies and then rejected and abandoned by two sets of parents? Was it God who gave me a body ridden with hereditary and genetic illnesses young with no recourse or help from my adoptive parents to get vital updated medical history for doctors like other nonadopted persons can? Am I being punished for some original sin, my natural parents perhaps?
And, is it God's will that woman are impregnated through rape, or first mothers/parents murdered or killed tragically, so others can have a child? Was it God that made adoptive parents infertile so they would have to covet other people's children and buy them? Is it God who ordains subsidies and tax breaks for adoption? I have a hard time believing any "God" would do this to, or for, anyone. I have a harder time believing God has anything to do with adoption.
There are certain sites on Facebook and the internet proclaiming over and over how adoption is preordained by God. And OH how I wish these people would stop quoting bible verses to me about adoption. I fail to see how a loving God would cause so much pain and suffering for adoptees and natural parents to create families for adoptive parents. The bible can be used for anything you wish it to mean. I've read it front to back several times and I'd love to apply “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” to the adoption industry.
Here are just a few more statements that just make me cringe and writhe in anger and frustration:
"Adopted children are a gift from God". Really? I thought gifts were supposed to be given freely. So, if we see a child as a gift from God, then isn't adoption "regifting"? Also, I have never received a gift I had to pay large amounts of cash for. Then, it wouldn't be a gift it would be a possession I bought outright, for myself. And certainly to me and others adopted children thought of as gifts, taken from their natural parents, erasing their biological identities, and given to strangers does not seem ethical or Godly. How does one rationalize these behaviors and decisions with God's plan? I fail to understand.
“God answered our prayers with our adopted child". Do prayers as adoptive parents take precedence over the prayers of a biological parent or grand parent to keep that child within the family? Is it God's will then that these children lose their families of origin to answer the prayers of adoptive parents? Does this mean adoptive parents are higher up on the prayer chain?
How will it be handled when adopted children begin asking about, and searching for, their biological family, IF that is they are ever told they are adopted to begin with. So many adoptive parents believe that hiding the truth and concealing adoptees from their identies is ok and their right as the "real" parents to their adopted children. So, it's stated in the ten commandmants “Thou shalt not lie”. I don't remember any loop hole containing "except in adoption". I was taught at a young age in Sunday school that lying was a sin. Is it ok to eliminate the truth for your adopted children if you believe your intentions are good?
A comment now from the adoption book “How God brought us you”; “I appreciate how clear it's made that God brought mother and baby together.” Clearly? Really? Because it doesn't seem clear at all to me. In fact, it's pretty damn muddied. I didn't get any announcement from the adoption court judge or confidential intermediary about God placing me where I was, nor was it in my non-identifying information. Adoption agencies and lawyers arrange adoptions for profit and try to coerce mothers out of their children through propaganda and pie in the sky promises. Government policy and law allows for falsifications of birth certificates for adoptees. I sure hope “you reap what you sow” applies to all of them.
“Honor Thy Father and Mother”. Which set? The ones who abused and rejected me, or the ones who refuse contact with me? I'm confused on this one.
And lastly, “God doesn't give you more than you can handle” in relation to being adopted. I call bull S&%$ on that one. No further elaboration needed just read the stories of adoptees and first parents out there, and those that have taken their lives out of sheer pain from it.
So either this is all a huge crap shoot, or this was a path that I chose to enter in life on this earth for whatever lessons and growth I needed spiritually. The latter makes a lot more sense to me. But I have no right to dictate to anyone else what is God's will and plan or not.
My faith, and I am stating it is MY faith and no one else's belief system, has gotten me through the difficult times of my life. As an adoptee I am not a gift, I am not an answer to anyone's prayers, and I don't thank God for being adopted. I don't believe God had anything to do with my being adopted. My experience is that the era of stigma and shame over women becoming pregnant out of wedlock and unmarried, and a social experiment that was created by government agencies and institutions called closed records adoption, were.
So, if you believe God brings people children through adoption that is your right. Just remember that does not give anyone the authority to decree what is God's intention, or not, when it comes to adoption. No one can claim to have proof or the answers, nor will we ever. None of us.